Customer Testimonials

Dr. Dave Kading

ABB Analyze has helped us realize the financial impact of single use contact lenses to the bottom line.

Dr. Dave Kading

Seattle, WA

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Dr. Mark Kapperman

How in the world do you run a business and not know what your business is doing?

Dr. Mark Kapperman

Chattanooga, TN

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Dr. Russ Osnes

Gathering the numbers can be a daunting task, ABB Analyze allows easy access to those production numbers

Dr. Russ Osnes


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Dr. Jeff Swafford

We encourage our staff to look at their ABB Analyze report daily to identify areas of opportunity.

Dr. Jeff Swafford

Gurnee, IL

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Dr. Hans M. Kell

We are data rich but, information poor – ABB Analyze gives us the ability to truly understand the data in our system.

Dr. Hans M. Kell

Kingwood, TX

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Dr. Elissa Wedemeyer

Incredibly easy for me to track and monitor info that I have been trying to figure out how to find for years.

Dr. Elissa Wedemeyer

Missouri City, TX

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Dr. Stephen Denny

What I love about ABB Analyze is the wealth of information they provide.

Dr. Stephen Denny

Dublin, OH

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Dr. Ken Kirkland

It's just phenomenal that my staff can look at this and see how they can increase their performance as well.

Dr. Ken Kirkland

Plano, TX

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Dr. Brent Gandolfi

A better way to track performance without having to burn a lot of payroll to do so.

Dr. Brent Gandolfi

Gurnee, IL

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Dr. Haley Perry

ABB Analyze has saved a lot of time.

Dr. Haley Perry

Asheville, NC

See Video

ABB Analyze Team Demo

Our purpose is to help doctors and organizations succeed by making business analytics simple. We save them time and allow them to focus on patients. We show them where they can improve. Let us show you how easy it is to work with us today.